what beauty salon do you go to, Dorka's?
Wow...so you'd think that after being here a month we'd be running out of things to do, but no siree! I'm worried I'm not going to be able to get everything done in 4 months that I want to do! I started my salsa classes with Carlos, my teacher. He's almost too gay to function, but the nicest guy ever! He teaches salsa all over the world and trains people for competetion and everything, so he's really good! I went to the market and got some ripped off salsa CD and I practice every night in our little foyer thing upstairs with my headphones. It doesn't look so cool, let's just say. Okay so yesterday was one of the most fun days ever! We went to work at the clinic but the doctor wasn't there (this is Guatemala, they call her if someone shows up) so we walked around Jocotenango, this little dirty town, and visited one of our teachers at her house. Then we went to the stadium place and played soccer with these little boys (10-12 years old) for seriously hours! There was no grass, just dust, and I've seriously never sweated so bad in my life, but it was so amazing. There was this one kid, Diego, who was seriously so good. Like he will be famous, I promise. Let's see if I can remember all their names: Alejandro, Hugo, Herman, Gary, Diego...crap I can't remember any more, but seriously they were so much fun! One time Hannah shot on goal and I seriously booked it towards the ball and threw my body in front of it and the tips of my fingers blocked the ball...it was the greatest moment of my life. We promised them we'd play with them every Friday. This morning I went to Dorka's beauty salon (just because it's called Dorka's and I laugh everytime I walk by) and got an amazing body scrub and hour massage for 20 bucks! I feel like a new human! Then this afternoon Kala and I went to this super nice hotel to see if we could sneak into the pool...without luck. Man, we had our suits and everything! Dang. We're in the process of planning our Semana Santa (Spring Break) trip. I think we're going to Monterrico (which is on the Pacific Coast) for a few days and then a few of us are going to this tiny fishing town and learning to surf. It's like $3 a night to sleep in a hammock. How sweet is that? The surfing lessons are really cheap too and I've wanted to learn how to surf my whole life. There's not way I'm gonna have the abs or the upper body to do it though. Meh! To be perfectly honest with you I'm getting a little frusterated with the rules down here. I know they're trying to protect us, but seriously SI (Students International) and Lindsey (the Bethel grad in charge of us) are so overprotective. I know how to be safe and I don't drink (I've never been drunk in my life) but I feel like I'm being treated like a four year old. We can't climb volcanoes, we can't go to clubs, we have to be in every night by 10, we can't go anywhere without 24 hour notice given to the SI staff and having them look into every detail. Seriouly I'm 20 years old. Sorry, I just get frusterated sometimes. I called my momma to ask her what to do and we decided that as long as I don't blatently break the rules (cuz either I'll get caught or I'll feel so guilty I'll tell on myself), but instead just try to have as much fun within them as we can. I can do that. We've found some cute restaurants/bars with live music (not dance clubs!) and other places to go at night. This upcoming week is our last week of classes so our medical fair is on Friday. It should be cool, we're doing a bunch of different health stations (checking vision, hearing, checking for lice, height/weight etc.) and I'm giving a talk to the kids on hygiene. So yeah, then next week it's off to the real clinic work! I'm so pumped about that you have no idea. Well that's about all I have to report. It's calmed down a lot around the house since Rusty and Tanya left...I miss them so much. Seriously they were my parents here (Rusty even let me play with his elbow skin and Tanya kissed me on the lips!). Thanks for the emails and snail mail, it really makes my day...and when I say day I mean week! Keep me posted on everything that's going on in the Land of the Free.